Here are the good family pictures from the photo shoot we had last month. I am trying to decide between the first three to put up on the wall with our other family pictures. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comment section. :)

This is a good one of everyone, but not my favorite one of me. Do you do that? Choose which picture based on which one YOU look best in?

This is another good one, I like me in it ok, but from a distance it almost looks like my eyes are closed. They aren't, I just have a squinty smile.

This one is ok, but I don't think all the kids look their best. Especially the little ones with their funny expressions.

And of course, we had to do a silly faces one. Maybe this is the one I should put up. It shows our true selves...
The second one FOR SURE!!!! Those are so great Sally!
my vote is for the second one too! they all look great!
What a beautiful family! I can't choose:) My kids would pick that last one for sure:)
I like the 2nd too but it would be fun to change it up and do the goofy one. As far as choosing they say to pick the best one of you and your honey because because most likley you'll never have a good one of all the kids
Number two is the best of the "normal ones" but I do like the funny-face one.
Number two in my opinion.
I like the second one too but like Christine think the funny faces one is real cute too.
I'd use all of them in a scrapbook page, and use the last one on the wall.... it's sure put a smile on everyone's face :)
well, i used to pick pictures based on how i looked, until i realized that i never look good and Jeff ALWAYS does... so now i just do whatever he wants.
i like all of them if its any comfort :)
The second one is my favorite!!
I love the Second picture. I also like the silly one, even if you dont hang it on the wall it would be fun to have around the house.
I thought the second one was a really cute picture-but I also think the last one would be a fun one to hang with your other fam pics. Good luck!
Well, I'm going to have to go against everyone else & say that I like the first one! I know it's not your favorite, but it is good of all of you & I like that it is closer & you can see the kids really well. It would be a good addition to the wall & it is a different composition than "everyone sit in a row." However, they are all good!
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!!! You all look wonderful. It is so fun to see how everyone is growing up so FAST!!!!
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