Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cooking segment

I had to post this clip of my pal Stephanie. She was on Fox 10 News doing a segment on summer desserts. You can get a feel for her super bubbly and sweet personality, and she cooks with (usually-haha) great ingredients. Her blog link -Chef Tess Bakeresse- is on my sidebar so go check it out! Good job, Steph!!! You rocked it!

And while I'm mentioning her blog, I have to say that I used to HATE cooked oatmeal but since I have started cooking it the way she tells to on her blog, I LOVE it. I mean love, as in I crave it most days. No more cooked mashy grossness for me! So, while you are there looking around, check out how to cook oatmeal and give it a try. Yum!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool. Thanks for passing it along.