Here's some goings on in our house as of late:
My Teeny Bopper decided to cut her long lovely locks of hair and donate it to locks of love. I really wanted her to get a good haircut, so I called a friend in our ward who does hair and she agreed to donate a haircut so that TB could donate her hair. I will post pictures soon, but it came out sooooo super-de-duper cute! Just how I hoped it would, and TB loves it. We need to get that girl some pomade now. :) (inside joke) Thanks so much for the haircut, Brendl! If anyone needs a great hair cut, she works at Salon Intrigue on Gilbert and Baseline next to Amazing Jakes and she's fabulous!
By poor little Baby Bean got some shots on Thursday and is so miserable. Fever and screaming in pain sometimes, and the general blah's. It's so sad!! I've got mixed feelings on vaccines as it is and this experience is not helping my opinions. I counted on your info, Dr. Sears! You'd better be right on this.
I'm also trying to get Dr. D in to see an audiologist for some hearing testing. He is always saying, "What?" "What you say?" I'm hoping it's just a habit and not a real hearing problem, but I want to make sure.
Can ya'll believe summer vacay is almost over? I know for some, it already is. Our kids go back to school on Aug. 12, so we are squeezing in one more trip before school begins. Just a couple more things to buy the kids for school, and we are set. Luckily we are still totally stocked up on school supplies from my super bargain shopping last year. Little Miss is going to be in kindergarten at the same school as her sisters this year. There were many reasons I wanted her to stay at Montessori this year, but it mostly came down to transportation issues. Two schools is enough to have to drive to and coordinate car pooling and all that, without adding in a third school. Last year she did kindergarten at Montessori House, but I decided that instead of going into first grade this year, since she has a late birthday she would do better in K with her friends. She's pretty excited!
Well, my baby boy is crying again so I'm off to soothe...
your alive :) I bet her hair looks cute :) Vac are never fun, make them feel so crummy. Hopefully if he does have hearing loss it will be like what Kiley had. She had fluid in her ears that just would go out on it's own and got tubes now she hear perfectly besides the normal ignoring you thing :)
Yeah I have issues with vaccinations too. Scott was always convinced that Colby's headaches (since he was a wee child) had something to do with the vaccine cocktails our pediatrician loved to dole out. None of our other doctors was as intense as he was. Enough to turn you to holistic medicine!
can't wait to see her hair!
I know what you mean about the school stuff. It's not easy with all the transportation! I have 5 kids and 5 schools! Wait till Ash starts-ugh! I don't like or do carpools (my kids have too many changes from day to day and it never works well for us) but the tough part is when everyone has the exact same start time. I'm only one woman! But so far I do what I feel is best for each kid and seem to far!
Ben won't be at the same school as last year so we'll see how this change goes!
SUmmer has flown by. With only a few weeks left I am glad to be gettinout of town too. See ya up there!
Tuff says the same things as Dr. D does - "What?" and "What you say to me?" - ALL THE TIME. It might be the age and realizing that his response will generate another response from me. Good luck. It was good to see you.
Hey Sally, I can't believe you had another baby, congratulations!! I haven't been blogging so I'm catching up on everyone's blogs. Congrats and call me some time to make some cards.
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