Sunday, February 22, 2009

Command Central

OK, here it is--my latest project. It all began with a desire to create a more organized entry area of sorts for my house. We always use our carport door which means we enter directly into our dining room and there is no place to dump our stuff when we come in. This means backpacks, shoes, sweaters, helmets, sunglasses, etc. all over the place around the entry area. After trying a few different things I decided that an armoire would be a great answer to this problem. All I had, however, was a china cabinet that I thought I would have to modify and work with to try to create my armoire. It would have been beyond my abilities I think, but didn't know what else to do. Well, my very close friend (we'll call her "The Naunee") and I found an armoire on Craigslist for $60 that looked like this:

It screamed "I'm from the 80's/90's" with the orangey oak color and these scroll things behind the knobs.

It is solid oak though, and the perfect size and composition for what I wanted. Seeing as I had no $60, The Naunee got it for our family and called it a Valentine gift. She is awesome that way. (I want to post a lot more about her but will check with her first. Maybe.) So, I basically bought it for the good "bones" it has with the intention of "sprucing up" it up a bit, aka painting it. When I metioned that to my mom she freaked out and went on and on about how beautiful it was and why would I want to ruin good wood by pianting it? She said I should have just gotten someting "cheap" if I was just going to ruin it with paint. (ok--how much "cheaper" could I get than 60 bucks for an armoire???) Puh-leeeeze. DH actually agreed and didn't want me to do anything to it. Well, um, too bad because that's why I bought it in the first place!!
First, I sanded it lightly to just scratch up the surface so the paint would stick. I knew I wanted it black and my original plan was to distress the edges and corners a bit so I didn't want to use a primer. I wanted the brown to show through for the distressing. Anyway, after 3 coats of black Walmart paint ($6 something for a quart) and a good brush I think it looks pretty fabulous and is working out exactly as I'd hoped. Well, we still have the issue of getting the shoes into the cabinet, but it does house them nicely once they are in there. I haven't distressed it at all yet because I am enjoying it so much as it is.
And it is amazing how good those little knobs look without the scroll things behind them! I even had fun accessorizing the top of the cabinet. The kids all love it and even DH and my mom think it's great. I knew it all along...
Oh yeah, I call it Command Central because that's what I feel it is for us. Just in case you're wondering about the post title. :)


Nik said...

I am so jealous!!! I've totally been looking for an armoire just like this for the Wii we bought for Christmas! We want to set up a Command Central for video games and whatnot. If you or The Naunee find another little deal like this, send it my way!!!

Isn't that Naunee great?! I totally agree!

Nik said...

Oh, and kudos to you for not caving to the voices of dissent: black will always look better than 80s oak. :D

*Katie May* said...

I think it looks wonderful!! My cupboards are that color and I for sure don't like them. Maybe they would look good with a paint job :)

Rhonda said...

Great job Sally! It's beautiful!

I don't care for the 80's look either.

Anonymous said...

Sally, that looks totally awesome. It always feels so good to solve an organization problem. Even before you get everyone trained to use it!

Supercool Hotmama said...

LOVE it! It turned out gorgeous!

Stephanie said...

I really like the way it turned out! I think that was a great idea to put all the stuff in there. My husband would have said the same thing about painting it, but I agree with looks better black.

Anonymous said...

WOW Sally...You need to come help at my house. What a good job. Congrats on a job well done.

Debe said...

awesome job! You are so talented and creative!

Anonymous said...

It think it looks great!

Keeper of Banners said...

OK, fine. I was wrong and I admit it. But I have to know: Were you upset that I didn't like your idea, or that I publicly agreed with your mom?

Oh, do you really need to distress this piece of furniture. It seems that our kids spend all their time running around distressing our furniture anyway. Why put yourself through it?

amy said...

very cute! well done! & tastefully too...i like the black over the oak too. you're a woman of vision! ;) and "creating" just like pres. uchtdorf says! way to go!