Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow

I love ya, tomorrow. You're only a day away.......

So, today is my last day. Last day to be pregnant, probably EVER; last day to have a good night's sleep for a while; last day to eat very spicy foods without worrying about a nursing baby suffering; last day to wear my favorite dress (which happens to be a maternity dress); last day to wonder what our new little guy looks like; last day our family picture is current; last day our custom license plate is correct (it says "7whe10s" tomorrow we will be "8whe10s"); last day to sleep with just my DH for a while (I'm a baby-sleeps-in-my-bed type person); last day to drive for at least a couple of weeks; last day for Dr. D to be the baby; last day to feel a little person moving around in my tummy; last day of miserable hugeness; hmmmmm what else? last day to be only swamped by laundry, after tomorrow I will be completely overtaken by it (you know how laundry like TRIPLES with a baby...).

I may think of more later, but I am happy that today is my last day.


Rhonda said...

Good luck Sally! We're rootin' for ya!

Your shower looks FABULOUS. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it!

Christine said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations Sally! Walk in there an ask for the pitocin and the epidural at the same time!!!

*Katie May* said...

good luck! I am sure he'll be a doll!

Nik said...

I am so jealous! How great that you know when the baby will be born and it's TODAY! The day isn't over yet, maybe I'll be joining you at the hospital...? (wishful thinking)

Your favorite dress is a meternity dress?! You're actually getting sleep at this point in the pregnancy?! You can eat spicy foods without overwhelming heartburn?! You amaze me!

You make the Last Day sound so poignant. Perhaps I need to think more about that.

Haeley P said...

Awww, can't wait to meet him! Oh, wait.... I have! Good lob, mom. I'm proud of you. You made one cute baby. I LOVE YOU!!! I'm coming back to bug you as soon as I can!!!

Anonymous said...

We are excited that baby Dallin is here. Glad everything went well! Love you guys

Carla said...

So the little one should be here by today!!! Congrats!! (I miss my 'last day')