Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, I did something very un-green this week. I threw out all of my re-usable shopping bags. Yep, they're gone. Turns out I'm not even feeling guilty about it. The whole story is this; I have too much stuff. Way too much. I am having a hard time keeping my house clean and am feeling completely overwhelmed. So, I'm going through things a little at a time, and when I got to this bag full of bags, I thought long and hard and then I tossed. I always mean to use them. I even keep them in my car. Do I take them in to the store with me? No. I forget. Every time. And, the truth is, the couple of times I did use them it was a pain in the neck. And I actually re-use the plastic grocery bags anyway. So...when I got to all of these shopping bags I decided I could free myself of them and let them go to someone who actually wants to use them. And it feels good! :)

That is all.

BTW, I didn't actually throw them away. I'm donating them to the clothing exchange our stake is doing this weekend. If you want them, come get them!

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