Saturday, February 19, 2011

More Mexico Pics

 Sittin' on the porch swing with gramps.

 Playing on the teeter totter with Brigham.

Swinging on the big swing.

Grandpa told us that on the way down they stopped at a place with a big cement statue of a T-Rex.  Dr. D did NOT want to get very close to it.  Grandpa told him that it wasn't real, only a statue because dinosaurs are extinct; they aren't around anymore.
Later on, they were looking at a picture of a dinosaur and talked about that T-Rex.  Grandpa again explained how dinosaurs are extinct; not around on the earth anymore.  Dr. D asked what extinct meant.  Grandpa said it is when something is dead and there aren't any more of them on the earth any more.  Dr. D said, "Is Grandma extinct?"  Grandpa explained that no, she wasn't extinct just back in our home town.  Dr. D said, "What about Grandma D?"  Grandma D passed away before Dr. D was born.  We talk about her frequently though, and Dr. D knows she is gone. 
Pretty good connection for a four-year-old! 
Today Dr. D got to ride on a horse, both on a saddle and bare back.  When we talked on the phone he told all about how he could feel the horse's bones when he was riding without a saddle.  I don't get how this kid can be TERRIFIED of dogs-all sizes, even teeny ones-and have no reservation about horses...
He also rode in the bucket of a back-hoe.  The big front bucket.  Grandpa said they raised it as high as it would go and Dr. D told him it was "so AWESOME Grandpa!!".  I am missing him and hope they aren't gone much longer.  It is SO QUIET!!  I have to admit, I enjoyed sleeping in today.  Dr. D is our alarm clock around here.  6 am every day.  Wonder how long that will last...

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