Thursday, December 5, 2013

December happenings

Just a few thoughts I wanted to jot down to unload my brain a little.
~Tailgunner has been saying funny things, as usual.  For example:  On Sunday Teeny Bopper was wearing her mustard yellow tights and he told her "I like your yellow legs!"

~Tailgunner and I bought our Christmas tree today at Home Depot.  I got it in and set up all by myself!  It is a beautiful tree.  As we were looking at it the employee and 2 other people stopped and oohed and ahhed over it.  The other customers said "If you don't buy that tree, we will!".  So of course I got it.  Boo-yah!

~I was terribly slap-happy in scripture study this morning.  Sweet G was first to read and she misquoted and instead of saying "out of the MOUTH of Isaiah" she said "out of the MOUSE of Isaiah".  So the whole rest of the time I was laughing my head off as I pictured a little talking mouse having deep conversations with Isaiah.  As in, crying laughing.  I was a great example.  :)   Can we say mom needs to go to bed earlier?

~Christmas decorations are up!  Now to clean up the rest of the house so it actually looks nice...  Pictures to come soon.

~I am considering doing Christmas cards this year.  I have taken the last couple years off, but I miss sending out cards.  Stamps are just so expensive that it is hard to justify.  Email cards are ok, better than nothing, but just not the same.  hmmmmmm what to do?

~We implemented a "service jar" to do for the month of December.  It is my attempt to put our focus onto others instead of ourselves.  Every morning each of us picks a slip of paper out of the jar that has an act of service written on it.  We put it back in and during the day we do the service we chose.  If we ever choose the same service twice, we just put it back in and pick again.  I have LOVED finding little notes and seeing the kids excited to do their service. So far, so good.

Well, my short break from my to-do list is over.  Back to work!

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